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AdaOkere Agbasimalo- Authur of The Forest Dames
“The Forest Dames”, published in 2012, is a true life account of what happened during the Nigeria-Biafra war of 1967-1970. While war raged at the battle ground, a lot transpired at the home front. I was a teenage girl then and found myself in the middle of the hell that Biafra, our Eldorado, was turned into. I experienced the elasticity of human suffering which brought me to the conclusion that from whichever way you look at it, war portends evil and its other name is suffering.
The horrors were of such magnitude that I had to plead with
God to spare my life so I would tell the world my story, for I would not
like to leave mother earth without documenting what I went through during that
war. Prayer answered, I wrote “The Forest Dames”. The invading troops were
after young girls who they captured and ravaged. Some of the soldiers took the
girls to the trenches for their comfort, and quickly abandoned them there
during emergency retreats resulting from counter attacks.
Two mothers however vowed that their daughters would
not belong to the soldiers. They consequently tucked away their girls in
the African evil forest where they spent months and constantly heard roars of
wild animals. The sweet mothers paid the girls nocturnal visits in the
forest every other night, with food, water and personal effects. The invading
soldiers avoided night outs for obvious reasons. Three out of the four dames of
the forest are alive, one of them having died just six months ago. One of the
two sweet mothers (my mother) is still alive. She is 82. These facts are
Chido: You attended the 2012 Achebe Colloquium at the
Brown University in Rhode Island December 7-8, 2012; what are your impressions
of that special gathering of scholars, writers and leaders?
Oh yes, I attended the colloquium after I returned from
Florida, where I went for book signing at the Miami Book Fair International,
which took place in the spacious environment of the Dade college. I got my book
registered for the fair through my publishers, AuthorHouse; and was there
signing and giving out copies of my book as people queued up to get signed
copies. It was one great experience for me, from where, Chido upon your
USAfrica invitation and information, I went over to another exciting gathering
at Providence, Rhode Island, for the Achebe colloquium first week of December
That colloquium was the greatest eye opener for me since
after the Biafran war of 1967-1970. It provided a huge opportunity for me to
participate in a beneficially important discourse on governance, security and
peace in Africa; and way forward. Erudite scholars shared immense knowledge
from which participants tapped and which I have added to my personal knowledge
tool box. It was a two-day programme fully loaded with viably relevant topics
aimed to salvage and protect the image of Africa. It was very impressive and I
imagine that it has added to the “medical kit” of Africa. I also think and hope
that the colloquium and other such gatherings will help in accelerating the
process that could eventually lead to the achievement of good governance,
security and peace in Africa. Like I said earlier, it was and still is an eye
opener to me and a reiteration of my fears and beliefs. For instance, it was
reiterated that without good governance, which is identified as the main driver
of conflicts in Africa, poverty which is also the root of most violent acts,
The greatest admonition I took home is that African
leadership must embrace and come to terms with the act of good governance, for
security, and peace to be cradled in Africa.
Professor Chinua Achebe, father of African literature is
undoubtedly a colossus. The towering figure of Chinua Achebe and one of his
books, “Things Fall Apart” has not ceased to mesmerise humanity when the giant
poured out his heart into, and released another masterpiece, which he aptly
titled “There was a Country.” It is as if he has just said to humanity, “This
is a free will gift to you, from my old age.” I, as one of his literary
offspring, also wrote a true and no-holds-barred personal experience and horror
account of the war, which was published in January this year, 2012.
I was apprehensive about those who might feel hurt by the
facts laid bare in the book so I could not market my book boldly and openly.
Can you imagine that? But the daddy of African literature dropped his own true
account, and smoked us all out of our hide-outs. I am very grateful to this
“odogwu” called Chinualumogu Achebe for strengthening my resolve; and the
Achebe Foundation for floating this meeting. I would like to be part of it
again and again.
Chido: Please tell us about your motivation for writing,
especially this new novel, The Forest Dames.
My motivation? The existence of societal imbalance,
injustice and inequity, which form the bedrock of the environment, in which we
live. This drives me to dream of how to create balance, justice, fair play,
equity, equality and wholesomeness. And so I feel motivated to do something no
matter how small, to help stop global, regional, national and communal
injustice and ethnic hate. I think that they just have to stop. Every part of
humanity needs its own space and identity. It is called freedom and human
rights. I have seen enough of contrary ideas and deeds since my growing-up
days, especially in the ill treatment of the female folk; and that has
motivated me to write.

As for this third book of mine, the horrors of war and the
need to cry out about the futility of war motivated me to write it. No more
wars please! Whoever that wants to beat the drums of war should first come
and ask us how horrible the dance steps of war are.
Chido: In this novel, you write a fictional story
alongside some poems about your life as a very young woman during the
Nigeria-Biafra war of 1967-1970. As you know, this is an issue for some people
in our immediate communities; speak more to this issue.
My novel “The Forest Dames” can be termed a fictionalised
non-fiction in that it is the true story of what happened, what I experienced
and not what I was told or what I read up somewhere. It is the story of a young
girl who lived with her parents in the relatively calm and peaceful British
colony of Nigeria, where shortly after independence, compatriots went for each
other’s throats and from that time on, nothing was ever the same again.
During that war, I had to run for dear life by jumping over walls
and fences to avoid having my chastity, integrity and self
esteem rubbished by some intruding soldiers. My story of survival through
wits and smartness should make a strong case for sheer ability and possibility
to move from the valley to the mountain. It should be an inspiration to all
those who have tasted suffering and those who are still suffering that there is
hope. For girls and women, this book should lift their souls and tell them that
success erases the mark of suffering and degradation. So all should work hard
towards success in spite of all odds, and cheer up despite what happened during
that war, part of which is in the poem below, which begins and wraps up my
They stripped us and savoured our nakedness
Went in and out of our women
Like needlework
They defecated in the backyard on our sacred places
Urinated over our kitchen furnace
Like inebriated bulldogs
There are no more secrets
There is no more privacy
Virgin places are denuded
The glory is gone
For they had the gun
We had only our pride
To ride
Yesterday I could not touch them
Today they have become my play thing.
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Not for much longer… Not anymore!!!”
Our fellow compatriots who did not experience Biafra should
believe us when we write or speak about what transpired. They must believe that
what happened to one at that time, happened to all. And it is true. For
instance, I got my book published in January and Chinua Achebe’s book came out
in June or July but everything in his book is in mine. He presents a textual
non-fiction with dates and bibliography, while I present a textual non-fiction
fictionalized and put in form of a novel, demonstrating the facts that have
been put down in writing. How come we wrote as if we compared notes? It is
because we experienced the same horrors. We could not both have written
falsehood, differently. There is no need for any one or group to get worked up.
What we wrote is the truth. God Almighty knows it. I wrote my war experiences
in order to free the mind, disseminate information and prick the conscience of
war agitators but I had to fictionalize it to reduce impact.
Chido: You are driven and work very many parts to be and
remain successful. What is success for you? What are you planning for 2013?
Success for me is being so sure of the power of God in
realising my heart’s desire, that I go to sleep with both eyes closed. Success
to me is being surrounded by those who understand me and do not feel any envy
or intimidation. Success is when life, love and laughter fuse. Success is
having the warmth and ambiance of my family intact. Success is sitting with my
mum and discussing those days when the mouths of wild animals appeared bound
and the evil forest turned benign towards defenceless women. Success is
knowing that my book is being read by all.
As per 2013? By God’s grace, I should be getting another
book out. Another book that mirrors the society. I see myself tavelling a lot
in 2013, going to address gatherings and talking about how we survived in the
forest and why we must not fight again. I see questions coming in about the
dames and the surviving mother. I see features explorers coming to Africa to
cofirm the story of the forest dames and see the spots mentionned in the book,
with a view of sketch-planning for the big screen. I see a bright and vibrant
Chido: Assess the reading habits of the Nigerian and
African communities.
Nigerians do not read, period. Fortunately the Nigerian
government and individuals, especially writers, are working hard towards
changing all that.Information on African communities confirms the same trend
but I want to put back this question to my readers. How can we reduce the
influence of electronic gadgets, because there lies the culprit? When I
was in secondary school at Egbu Girls Secondary School Owerri, our then
principal, Miss Hubbard did not only make us read one book every week, she made
sure we wrote a thumbnail description of what we read. There was a form which
every student filled after reading. We applied gum to the top back part of the
form and pasted it in one of the pages of an exercise book and submitted for
marking. The form had provision for student’s name, title of book and author,
setting of the story, publisher and date of publication, etc; and an area for
the summary of the story. That was awesome and made us very knowledgeable.
How that was killed, I do not know but I just wish
schools in Nigeria and Africa could revive it and perhaps acknowledge the
source. My own personal effort involved my writing down every unknown word in a
note book and also writing by its side, the dictionary meaning, which I studied
from time to time. I believe these are very helpful tips.
Chido: What do you see as the role of Women in national
Writing as I am doing. And I think Women writers (WRITA),
and women in the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) and others are not doing
badly in this regard. If practical steps are not taken to remove cultural,
social, political, religious and economic obstacles in the path of women, there
can be no actualisation of their role in national development. By that I mean
that the role of women cannot be achieved in “chains”. Their role starts to
manifest in their homes where they are pillars of support and nurture cradle of
the products of reproduction. The homes they nurture, form in a collective way,
communities which in turn form the towns which form the nation. Where ever
women are in position of administration, remarkable differences have been
noted. Women form a large population of teachers, nurses, farmers, traders and
home makers. A wise government should lift all impediments for women to soar.
Then the real meaning of their role will emerge.
Tell us about your family
Born to Imo parents from Nekede now in Owerri west LGA, I am
married to an Anambra man Engineer Emmanuel Agbasimalo from Ezinifite,
Nnewi South LGA. By the grace of God, we have four grown children.
Who are mentors, favorite artistes and writers?
My mentors are my father before he died in 1998, my mother
and my husband. Some may see it as strange that I also learnt a lot from my
late younger brother Reginald Chukwuemeka Okere, who died in the Dana
plane crash in Nigeria in June 2012. I call him my junior mentor. May his soul
rest in deserved peace! He was more of a role model, alongside my father,
husband and mother. I have role models in Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King of
the US and Nelson Mandela and the late Thomas Sankara from Burkina Faso in
northern section of west Africa.
Tell me a brief bio-sketch/profile of you.
I am Mrs. Adeline Ada Chimeziem Agbasimalo (nee Okere) who
has been an International Civil Servant, a Development Consultant, a
Communicator,Social Mobiliser, Community Mobiliser, Counsellor, Trainer,
Facilitator, Mentor and author of books. I’m a very hardworking, friendly,
jovial and humorous woman, who at the same time believes in calling a spade a
spade. I’m multi lingual, being fluent in three local Nigerian languages –
Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba; and two international languages – English and French. I
also speak and write fluent Pidgin English.
From 1998 to 2005, I held the position of Program Officer
and Field Office representative for the whole of the Eastern states; for
the John’s Hopkins University/Centre for Communication programs
(JHU/CCP) under the sponsorship of the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID) office, and was based in Enugu, Nigeria. I
held the position of Communication Specialist and Community Mobilisation
Coordinator with the COMPASS project, another USAID funded project,
in Abuja Nigeria, from where I resigned, to practicalise my skills in Gender
Motivational Speaking. Later in 2006, I picked up an appointment with Society
for Family Health (SFH) as Gender Mainstreaming Specialist. This meant
ensuring that both male and female benefitted optimally from projects, services
and care; and were treated with equal consideration and respect, not looking
down on anybody.
I was born in Kaduna, Northern Nigeria, attended primary
school education there at the then Anglican Girls School and my secondary
education, at Egbu Girls Secondary school, Owerri. My university education took
place at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, where I studied Languages (French
major, German subsidiary), and received the Bachelor of Arts (B.A. Hons.)
degree. I have a Master of Science (M.Sc) degree from the Political Science
department of the University of Lagos. I’m currently working on my Ph.D
program, in Women Studies, at the University of Nigeria Nsukka.
Your hobbies?
Writing, reading, listening to music and dancing; singing
church hymns, playing badminton, photography, and meeting good people.
What’s on your top 5 music playlist, and top 5 books,
Music – “Quand tu chantes” by Nana Mouskouri, Fanta Dialo by
Alpha Blondy (my late brother made me like it), all types of Bongo music, “What
U say” by Clubstar and “O nyere m udo…” by Patti Obasi.
Books – Message from NAM by Danielle Steel, All
Shakespeare books, ‘Waves of Destiny” by Ada Agbasimalo, “She Who Must Be
Obeyed” by Rider Haggard and “There was a Country: A personal History of
Biafra” by Chinua Achebe.
One wish…
May my book, “The Forest Dames” be as the oceans and seas of
the world, for the oceans and seas are all over the world! Amen!
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