Saturday, 8 September 2012


Kamsi Okere

A new survivor is in the making. She is Kamsiriochukwu Okere. Kamsi is under ten. She lost her dad in the ill-fated Dana airline, in a twinkle of an eye. She was so full of hope as she read one of the bible passages during the funeral ceremony of her late dad. Although her dear dad is no more, Kamsi is being groomed to carry on with life without daddy. The challenges may be enormous but Kamsi and her little sister Chidumam will definitely rise to the mountain top and become great survivors.

Our prayer is for our tomorrow to be better than our today. May God provide for all children who have lost a parent or both. May they learn to be survivors!

Do you know other young survivors? Those in the same predicament? Send your comments.


  1. This is thought provoking albeit inspiring. She is indeed a survivor not in the making. this is an inspiring blog sister...jisike nwannen nwanyi.

  2. Thanks a lot Kingsley. Please het your friends to visit this blog and possibly send comments and stories about those they know who are in the same predicament. You see, no one knows tomorrow. In our family tribute to my late brother, I said that his death has taught me that "anything can happen to any body, any time, any where and any how". We need to keep talking for no one knows. Ndewo

  3. poor little girl,well d only consolation here is the fact that she's got someone in the person of you to see her through and make her a survivor
