Monday 17 December 2012

Always think ahead of your attackers

 Read a true life account of a survivor. Always think ahead of your attackers

All those efforts and devices did not stop the move to Okolochi, after mortar bombs had dropped ceaselessly on the people and their surroundings. Deze remembered how pandemonium had reigned, how people wailed, and how only a few people remembered to take cover due to heavy bombardment. The memory of Okolochi remained vivid, mainly because of Madam Rosa’s predicament. It did not happen in Okolochi alone.

            “Knock, knock” Ukoha tapped gently on his mother’s door.
            “Who’s that?” His mother whispered, trembling.
            “Ukoha, Ukoha, your son.”
            “Hey my God,” his mother trembled with fear. “Ukoha, where are you co…
            “Shh, mama, open the door but please bring me a wrappa, I am naked.”
Ewei, Ukohaa, hmm,” she muttered, pulling out a wrappa from a pack.

Ukoha had just escaped from terror. He had, when pushed, leaped across his own grave and fled. They had stripped him naked before the exercise but he disappeared into the bush and found his way home after midnight. Ukoha lived to tell his own story.

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