Friday, 6 September 2013

War and Female Power!

The year was 1969 and it was time to hunt for and abduct girls and young women found in the enclave; and forcibly convert them to bed mates. That was no news. All the same, families sought nearby hiding places for their ‘eligible’ females but these hide-outs were soon discovered through intimidation from the power of the gun.
Now the news! Two women decided that their daughters were not going to be made victims. What did they do? They found a ‘safe haven’ for their daughters - the dreaded Evil Forest, where the roars of wild animals were continually heard. But that was nothing compared to the brutal termination of lives and wanton destruction of properties through air, land and marine attacks; including starvation that was the order of the day, and which placed the final death mark on the people.
Four in number, the forest dames saw “hell” but survived the war. One of them decides to tell the unfortunate story of the elasticity of human suffering. Three of the dames are still alive and can be reached for further interactions. One of the brave mothers is also still living.